
In recent years, Liberia’s Ministry of Education (MoE) has made great strides in improving access to education for learners who have not been able to attend formal school. However, there are still many children who have not yet had a chance to enter formal school or who have fallen behind and are now considered overage for their grade.

The USAID Accelerated Quality Education for Liberian Children activity focuses on improving education for out-of-school learners and builds the capacity of the Liberian government to offer high-quality accelerated learning programming. The program condenses six years of primary education into three years, allowing learners to reenter formal schooling in a shorter amount of time and giving them a boost to pursue further education, training, or employment.

Key Activities

EDC staff working on the Accelerated Quality Education for Liberian Children activity conduct the following activities:

  • Provide relevant, flexible, and quality education for out-of-school children
  • Provide technical assistance to the MoE and build partnerships with counterparts and host country systems
  • Strengthen the policies, systems, and resources with the MoE
  • Foster positive gender norms, including a highlighted attention on girls and female teachers
  • Conduct operational research to look more closely at key issues and rolling assessments for ongoing risk mitigation


  • 100 program sites established in three counties (Bong, Grand Bassa, and Montserrado) with an additional 160 sites being added in 2018 and 2019 (Nimba, Lofa, and Margibi counties)

Learn More

Sarah Nogueira Sanca
U.S. Agency for International Development

Liberia Ministry of Education