September 6, 2024
Melanie Sany Nada Berrada
Celebrating the accomplishments of EDC's global Moonshot Initiative to help young people secure green jobs.
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March 23, 2020
To help quell anxiety, I want to reflect on the H1N1 pandemic a decade ago. While H1N1 wasn’t a coronavirus, we can still learn from this pandemic.
March 23, 2020
One of the challenges of implementing social and emotional learning (SEL) is that no single approach works for everyone. Schools need to implement a range of programs and practices to address the diverse needs of their students.
Shai Fuxman
March 20, 2020
We’ve researched online learning and collaborated with schools nationwide and want to share this checklist for virtual learning with you, as well as seven tips
Jacqueline Zweig Erin Stafford
March 20, 2020
One positive aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic is that the virus doesn’t seem to affect children the same way it affects adults. However, children are susceptible to stress caused by disrupted schedules, changing routines, and universal talk about the virus. The best thing you can do for your child is to manage your own stress.
Cynthia Hoisington
March 19, 2020
For parents looking for a general set of guidelines to help make sense of where technology fits with young children’s development, my colleagues and I pulled together a new resource: Using Technology to Support Learning at Home: Simple Tips for Parents of Young Children .
Shelley Pasnik
March 19, 2020
Here are five strategies, adults can use to help children cope with anxieties.
Shai Fuxman
March 18, 2020
The recent coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led us to feel uncertainty in many areas; however, we can take actions to manage our emotions and protect our mental well-being during this time.
Jennifer Myers Heidi Kar
March 12, 2020
As colleges and universities move toward remote training options in an effort to curtail exposure to the coronavirus, I thought it would be timely to share some online training strategies we use at EDC.
Zoe Baptista
March 10, 2020
As a prevention practitioner who has worked in the substance misuse prevention field for over a decade, I am often surprised by how few coalitions include faith-based organizations (FBOs) among their strongest partners.
Benjamin Spooner