December 13, 2017

EDC’s Eden Badertscher Receives National Award for Equity in Mathematics

WALTHAM, MA | Eden Badertscher, of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), was awarded the prestigious Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award for 2018 by the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM). The annual award recognizes unique dedication and contributions to equity in mathematics education.

A senior project director at EDC, Badertscher has spent her career promoting access and equitable learning for all students in mathematics education. She has extensive expertise in teacher education, mathematics curriculum, standards alignment, and professional development, as well as advancing effective mathematics instruction in urban school districts.

As co-principal investigator of Designing for Equity by Thinking In and About Mathematics (DEbt-M), Badertscher leads two teams focused on closing opportunity gaps for marginalized mathematics students in grades 6–12. One team is creating strong communities of mathematical practice that engage teachers, school and district leaders, and mathematicians. The other team is developing a diagnostic tool to identify where opportunity gaps exist within and across school systems.

Prior to EDC, Badertscher was the mathematics supervisor in the Pittsburgh Public Schools, where she helped to advance education reform. As a Maryland post-doctoral fellow at Prince George's County Public Schools, she co-developed a graduate program to enhance instruction by addressing needs related to special education, culturally relevant teaching, and English language learners.

“I am thrilled and humbled to receive this award,” said Badertscher, who will deliver the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture in April at the NCSM annual conference in Washington, D.C. “But no one does this work in isolation, and I want to recognize the brilliant teams and teachers I have the honor of collaborating with who also share an enduring commitment to transforming school mathematics to repay our debt to learners of color.”

Read this interview to learn more about Badertscher and her passion for equity in mathematics.

Education Development Center (EDC) is a global nonprofit that advances lasting solutions to improve education, promote health, and expand economic opportunity. Since 1958, we have been a leader in designing, implementing, and evaluating powerful and innovative programs in more than 80 countries around the world. Visit