
An expert in early education, literacy, and teacher professional development, Carrie Lewis, senior technical advisor, has more than 25 years of experience designing, implementing, and managing programs that improve access to quality education around the world.

Skilled in materials development, Lewis is most interested in linking schools with their local communities to achieve quality education. She has used mother tongue instruction and interactive audio instruction to design programs that are both context-relevant and sustainable and has created professional development programs for local teachers. Her work has supported systemwide reform efforts in Qatar, Benin, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Madagascar, the Comoros, Malawi, and Zambia. She provides technical assistance and quality control for programs implementing EDC’s signature Read Right Now early literacy approach and Start Right Now early childhood approach, and she supports the development of EDC’s international science and critical thinking programming.

Lewis has an MSEd in Elementary Education from Fordham University and is fluent in French.