
Improving STEM education is a team effort. It requires dedicated teachers, researchers, curriculum developers, and scholars all working together to support innovation and excellence in the classroom.

This idea is the foundation for the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE), an EDC-led network for STEM education researchers who have been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) program. CADRE supports and accelerates learning among the DRK-12 community about the practice and outcomes of STEM education research. We help project teams leading NSF-funded initiatives across the United States to connect with each other, share important discoveries, and develop the innovative products that will shape the future of STEM education.

Key Activities

Through CADRE, EDC and its partners:

  • Engage STEM education and research communities in gaining a better understanding of innovations in STEM education and research
  • Provide capacity-building experiences for diverse groups of researchers and early career scholars to support their contributions to STEM education and research



CADRE’s influence on advancing STEM education research and promoting improved teaching and learning includes, among others, the following:

Learn More

Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE)
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National Science Foundation

Collaborate closely with other NSF Networks