About this project library

EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.

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51 Projects found
USAID learning networks enable the sharing and dissemination of knowledge and products between USAID and its implementing partners. However, USAID staff face two challenges: (1) the lack of access to...
Many low- and middle-income countries are rapidly bringing technology into their classrooms. Yet the technology often reinforces traditional teaching practices, rather than serving to deepen and...
Opportunities abound in Massachusetts’ innovative engineering and biotech sectors, but many companies are starved for talent. The reason? Too few of the state’s high school students are graduating...
A key aspect of promoting adolescent health and well-being at the community level is gathering the necessary local data to determine priorities, inform strategies, and support programs and policies...
Evidence-based home visiting provides families with greater support during pregnancy and throughout early childhood. While there is ample evidence these services can be effective at improving...
Each year in the United States, more than 49,000 Americans lose their lives to suicide, while millions more attempt or think about suicide . These lives represent mothers, fathers, daughters, sons,...
Public safety professionals, including law enforcement officers, face many job-related stressors that can negatively impact their mental health and well-being. Emotional injuries and suicide among...
Law enforcement officer safety and wellness goes beyond physical health. Supporting officer mental health and well-being is vital to the safety of officers, their department and peers, and the...
State education agencies are expected to use evidence to inform their practice and policy decisions. Yet education research is often conducted with little input from educators and policymakers...
With a youth unemployment rate of 62 percent, Bosnia and Herzegovina has struggled to extend economic opportunity to all who are entering the labor market. The country’s small and medium-size...
The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is the largest source of federal funding to states to provide child-care assistance for low-income families. These subsidies help offset the expense of...
Indonesia’s education system faces many challenges, including low public funding, low completion rates among students, a lack of high-quality training for educators, and inadequate capacity among...
Due to limited local access, less than half the children aged 3–6 in Burkina Faso receive the preschool education that would prepare them for primary school. Communities need relevant, quality...
Rebuilding peace and prosperity in Honduras will require partners from all parts of the country. Most importantly, it must include young people, whose lives have been disproportionately affected by...
Effective principals are a key contributor to the success of schools, teachers, and ultimately students. To support principals in their important role, there is a pressing need to invest in building...