About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

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  • Reports/studies/white papers
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112 Resources found
Fact sheets

Ruwwad is a Palestinian Youth Empowerment Project, implemented by EDC and funded by USAID.


This report highlights key findings and recommendations from the workshop Youth, Mobile, and Employment, held in Kigali, Rwanda, in January 2014.


APTE-Senegal focuses on building work readiness skills and transition to work opportunities to prepare youth for employment and self-employment in a way that is sustainable at national scale.


This case study from Rwanda explores the key components that drive improvements in youth skills and employment—equitably and at scale.


This report explores Massachusetts’ progress toward achieving equity in computer science (CS) education.


This report presents key findings and lessons learned from the Garissa Youth and Yes Youth Can! North Eastern Region projects.


Young people around the world are landing jobs and founding businesses thanks to EDC’s workforce preparation programs. Phoebe Iragena, a young woman from Rwanda, is just one participant who is making use of her new skills. She recently opened her own clothing shop in Kigali.


EDC’s Skills and Knowledge for Youth Employment (SKYE) project in Guyana administered a coaching survey to more than 300 project training graduates. The purposes of the survey were to assess how helpful the coaches were for youth and which aspects of the coaching were most useful for youth when looking for a job, entering the workforce, or starting their own business.


This report surveys state-level efforts to improve access to K–12 computer science education opportunities in the United States.

Fact sheets

This fact sheet describes EDC’s Supporting Readiness through Vital Civic Empowerment (SRVCE) program.


This factsheet describes the development and implementation of the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC), which was included as part of the Akazi Kanoze 2 (AK2) Project, a youth work-readiness program


This report examines four approaches to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) employed by USAID between 2007 and 2012.


Technology has proven to be one of the missing links in order to guarantee educational and workforce improvement in developing countries.


This program note presents summary findings of an evaluation study of the global Hewlett-Packard Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) program, conducted in China, India, Kenya, Nigeria,

White papers

The Learning Generation Initiative strategy is a comprehensive road map that outlines our vision and strategic initiatives.