About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

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  • Books
  • Curricula
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  • Reports/studies/white papers
  • Resource libraries
  • Toolkits
216 Resources found

The findings from this research seek to identify opportunities and constraints for employment and self-employment for Liberian youth.


The death of an officer by suicide requires immediate steps to support the officer’s family, department, and other loved ones. After a Suicide in Blue: A Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies provides best practices in suicide prevention to guide agency response efforts, including actions to take immediately following a suicide loss, as well as support and services for agencies to consider having available over time.


USAID’s Office of Education commissioned a study of the scale and sustainability of the USAID-funded Akazi Kanoze (AK) youth livelihoods program in Rwanda.


This report supports districts in analyzing their student-level disciplinary data to answer important questions about the use of disciplinary actions, including whether these actions are disproport


Report highlights the achievements to date and future plans of the APTE Project.


In this midterm evaluation of the Basa Pilipinas project in the Philippines, EDC tracked and measured changes in student reading performance.

Fact sheets

The Benin Teacher Motivation and Training (TMT) project, initiated in July 2009, seeks to improve primary school teacher training and performance.


Published by Corwin, this book describes a process that teachers can use to engage students as partners in the formative assessment process—involving students in assessing their own learning and bu


This brief describes the importance of expanding access to computer science (CS) learning and details EDC’s work to ensure all students have high-quality CS educations.

Resource libraries

This resource library on the CADRE website highlights opportunities, resources, and projects that aim to increase involvement for underserved and underrepresented populations at all levels of STEM


Featuring insights from leading researchers, this brief describes National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12 projects that identify strategies to accomplish the following:


This guidebook and toolkit shares one of EDC’s approaches to continuous improvement and provides case studies, templates, exercises, tips, and highlights to help you use the process.


What does it mean to be data literate in the world of “big data”? What should we teach students to better prepare them to participate in our workforce and society? This report answers these questions and shares takeaways from a three-day workshop led by EDC and IBM, "Building Global Interest in Data Literacy: A Dialogue."

This report describes a national convening led by EDC and IBM that engaged experts in exploring how to foster data literacy in the United States. The report examines the role of data literacy in society, the characteristics of a data-literate person, and the strategies for teaching data literacy skills in K–16 classrooms.

Work-based learning (WBL) is a promising approach to fostering students’ career readiness.