About this resource library
From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:
- Apps
- Books
- Curricula
- Digital games
- Reports/studies/white papers
- Resource libraries
- Toolkits
Featured Resources
This study examined the impact of an orientation on course completion rates for high school students taking a supplemental online course for the first time.
For two years, the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Learning Resource Center at EDC and the ITEST community engaged in a collaborative exploration of evidence-bas
This resource is designed to help K–8 teachers prepare their students to succeed in STEM learning in high school and thrive in STEM careers.
Interactive audio instruction (IAI) is a distance-learning technology that provides educational services, often to schools and school systems worldwide.
Learning team approaches aim for groups of education professionals that collaborate at every level—classroom, school, district, and central—to ensure learning for all.
In this report, the authors share findings and recommendations from their review of existing research, exploration of teacher professional development programs, and interviews with teachers.
In this summary report, the authors share findings and recommendations from their review of existing research, exploration of teacher professional development programs, and interviews with teachers.
This document provides links to free fraction apps that were designed by EDC. These dynamic, easy-to-use apps offer opportunities for students to explore fraction concepts, use virtual manipulatives to represent and solve problems, and build estimation strategies.
These teachers’ guides supplement the Living: Skills for Life, Botswana’s Window of Hope curricula.
These teachers’ guides supplement the Living: Skills for Life, Botswana’s Window of Hope curricula.
This paper presents a forward-looking projection of school participation profiles for school feeding programs up to the year 2030.
This book, published by Heinemann, supports grades 6–10 teachers in implementing EDC’s Transition to Algebra curriculum.
The Mali USAID/ PHARE (Programme Harmonisé d'Appui au Renforcement de l'Education) program supports the Malian Ministry of Education's efforts to improve the quality of elementary education, with a
This guide helps school districts choose the computer science (CS) curricula that best suit their communities’ needs.
In this briefing book, the leaders of the Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network (MassCAN) describe the goals, key accomplishments, and future directions of the partnership.