
Athi Myint-U, a highly experienced public health specialist and instructional designer, brings expertise in designing innovative, evidence-based interventions to improve health outcomes. She is keenly interested in promoting healthy adolescent development and positive family engagement.

Drawing on her deep knowledge of behavioral change strategies, Myint-U designs interventions that can be easily replicated and scaled in real-world settings. She develops interactive training and technical assistance tools to support these programs and has also created a wide array of online courses, toolkits, and other workforce development products for health care practitioners and community agency staff.

Myint-U has led the development and evaluation of several effective multimedia programs that use role modeling to reduce risk behaviors among adults and youth in the areas of mental health, violence prevention, and substance use. She is the lead author of an Institute of Education Sciences report on piloting a database of dropout prevention programs in nine low-income school districts.

Myint-U holds a BA from Harvard College and an EdM from Harvard University.