
Mary Fries is a highly skilled instructional materials designer and professional development provider with expertise in mathematics and computer science (CS) education and a commitment to producing equitable, high-quality classroom materials.

Fries is currently leading the development of Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) Sparks, in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley (UCB). BJC Sparks is a middle school/early high school CS curriculum with a focus on engaging and customizable activities.

Previously, Fries served as the lead developer on the BJC Advanced Placement CS Principles curriculum, also created in partnership with UCB. She co-authored the Transition to Algebra curriculum and Making Sense of Algebra: Developing Students’ Mathematical Habits of Mind, a teacher professional book, and led the development of the SolveMe mathematics puzzle apps, including the award-winning SolveMe Mobiles app.

Fries holds a BS in Mathematics from Mary Baldwin University, an MA in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and a CAGS in Mathematics Education from Boston University. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Physics from the University of Massachusetts, Boston.