EDC develops practitioner-informed professional development and resources that build professional and organizational capacities. We engage educators, health providers, and community agency staff in communities of practice that reflect current findings on effective strategies to support adult learning and systems improvements.

We develop and deliver training and technical assistance to frontline staff in classrooms, clinics, and communities that support their use of evidence-based practices to enhance services. We also build policymakers’ capacity to collect, analyze, and use data to guide decision-making.

Learn about EDC’s work to strengthen early childhood interventions with Continuous Quality Improvement.

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Here are a few of our resources on capacity building for individuals, organizations, and systems. To see more, visit our Resources section.


This paper explores how the Government of Mali, with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development and Education Development Center, Inc., used innovative tools and methods (including georeferencing, mapping, and school/village surveys) to better understand the twin challenges posed by home-school distance and inefficient teacher distribution in rural communities and why Mali chose an old-school solution: one-room, multi-grade schools equipped with trained teachers and appropriate materials.


This questionnaire was developed by EDC, with funding from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, for schools and districts to support student-centered learning (SCL) approaches.

White papers

This white paper provides an overview of dosage, the data necessary to study dosage, and related key considerations.


This resource guide, developed to help injury prevention and other public health practitioners, highlights current resources related to the introduction of new motor vehicle technologies such as autonomous vehicles (AV) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in preventing motor vehicle crashes.

White papers

This policy brief is the first of a series from the Sustainable Financing Initiative of the School Meals Coalition.


This toolkit provides ideas for integrating suicide prevention into the work of senior centers.


This report, developed for the Sustainable Financing Initiative (SFI) of the School Meals Coalition, explores if and how climate finance could enable governments to expand school meals programs through additional resources and whether climate finance for school meals can transform wider food systems. This technical note is one of three background papers contributing to a wider paper on innovative financing for school feeding by the SFI.


This toolkit provides program designers with information on how to develop and implement effective early childhood interactive audio instruction (IAI) programs in a range of settings.


These stories were developed through the support of USAID’s Core Education Skills for Liberian Youth (CESLY) program.

White papers

Science skills and habits of mind are the missing elements of the foundational skills package, and their addition to the mix can accelerate education recovery and reform. In the context of climate change, these skills are even more critical. This report makes the case for investment in primary science as a foundational skill set in low-resource contexts.