EDC is home to people who care deeply about improving education, health, and opportunity worldwide. Contact them to learn more about what we do and what we know.
If you do not see the staff person you’re trying to reach, contact us.
Mary Forbuss, a highly skilled administrative manager, has extensive expertise in meeting management, event administration, business...
Asiya Foster is a national and international expert in early childhood policy and programming. A skilled advisor and practitioner, she...
Richard Fournier, Education & Wellbeing director, provides leadership in EDC’s direct service work with states, districts, and schools—...
Mary Fries is a highly skilled instructional materials designer and professional development provider with expertise in mathematics and...
Liz Frisco, administrative coordinator, brings extensive experience in effective business systems, program operations, and executive...
Ruthann Froberg, a research assistant, is skilled in gerontological studies, data analysis, and project coordination. She supports the work...
Shai Fuxman, a behavioral health expert and senior research scientist, leads initiatives promoting the positive development of youth. He...
Alessia Garcia is a content strategist and producer in the Office of Communications, where she translates technical research into engaging...
Keegan Garza, U.S. Division senior business development associate, brings over a decade of experience in proposal management, cross-...
Barb Gay, certified prevention specialist, is an expert in suicide prevention and behavioral health. A highly experienced program leader...
Lauren Gilman, a highly skilled technical assistance specialist and experienced program manager, has extensive knowledge of mental health...
Rachael Glisson, a highly skilled technical assistance associate, brings extensive experience in public health and home visiting. She has...
Building on her experiences as an afterschool practitioner, Kate Goddard puts youth development at the center of her work, designing and supporting programs that elevate inquiry and creativity as a tool of youth empowerment.
Chelsey Goddard, an EDC vice president and nationally recognized expert in prevention science, leads EDC’s U.S.-based health, mental health, and behavioral health work.
Julie Goldstein Grumet, EDC vice president, is an expert in behavioral health transformation, state and local community suicide prevention, and the use of evidence-based practices for suicide care in clinical settings.
Andres Gomez, EDC financial manager, brings over 15 years of expertise in fiscal and data analysis, forecasting, reporting, project...
Teresa Gomez Barroso (she, her, hers) is an experienced health educator, program manager, and trainer. She specializes in leading and...
Tanya Gonzalez, EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, is an expert in out-of-school time (OST), early childhood education...
Noah Goodman’s expertise in design-based research and evaluation advances the development and improvement of programs, tools, and materials...
Leslie Goodyear, an internationally recognized expert in evaluation and EDC distinguished scholar, is a past president of the American Evaluation Association (AEA).
Burt Granofsky is the senior multimedia producer for EDC’s U.S. Division. An experienced content creator, he develops case studies, articles, videos, and podcasts to advance communications and business development goals.